TI-83 Plus Draw Instructions 237
Drawing Pixels
TI-83 Plus Pixels
A pixel is a square dot on the TI-83 Plus display. The Pxl. (pixel)
instructions let you turn on, turn off, or reverse a pixel (dot) on the graph
using the cursor. When you select a pixel instruction from the DRAW
POINTS menu, the TI-83 Plus returns to the home screen or the program
editor. The pixel instructions are not interactive.
Turning On and Off Pixels with Pxl.On( and Pxl.Off(
Pxl.On( (pixel on) turns on the pixel at (row,column), where row is an
integer between 0 and 62 and column is an integer between 0 and 94.
Pxl.Off( turns the pixel off. Pxl.Change( toggles the pixel on and off.