TI-83 Plus Draw Instructions 241
Recalling Graph Pictures (Pic)
Recalling a Graph Picture
To recall a graph picture, follow these steps.
1. Select 2:RecallPic from the DRAW STO menu. RecallPic is pasted to the
current cursor location.
2. Enter the number (from 1 to 9, or 0) of the picture variable from which
you want to recall a picture. For example, if you enter 3, the
TI-83 Plus will recall the picture stored to Pic3.
Note: You also can select a variable from the PICTURE secondary menu
( 4). The variable is pasted next to RecallPic.
3. Press Í to display the current graph with the picture
superimposed on it.
Note: Pictures are drawings. You cannot trace a curve that is part of a picture.
Deleting a Graph Picture
To delete graph pictures from memory, use the MEMORY MANAGEMENT
/DELETE secondary menu (Chapter 18).