TI-83 Plus Index 786
entering numbers during, 135, 164,
173, 189
expression display, 128, 135
Trace instruction in a program, 137,
error conditions, 652
from a TI.73 to a TI.83 Plus, 648
from a TI.82 to a TI.83 Plus, 646
lists to a TI.73, 642
lists to a TI.82, 641
lists to a TI.83 Plus, 648
stopping, 637
to an additional TI.83 Plus, 638
transpose matrix (T), 275, 693
trigonometric functions, 63
turning on and off
axes, 127
calculator, 6
coordinates, 126
expressions, 128
functions, 115
grid, 127
labels, 127
pixels, 237
points, 233
stat plots, 115, 375
tvm_Ú (# payment periods), 450, 688
tvm_FV (future value), 451, 688
tvm_I% (interest rate), 449, 688
tvm_Pmt (payment amount), 449, 688
tvm_PV (present value), 450, 688
two-proportion z confidence interval
(2.PropZInt), 411, 676
two-proportion z test (2.PropZTest),
403, 677
two-sample Û-Test formula, 724
two-sample t test formula, 726
two-variable statistics (2.Var Stats),
358, 689
Bar or Meter, 469
u sequence function, 179
UnArchive, 30, 610, 689
ungrouping, 616
units, 470
user variables, 718
uv/uvAxes (axes format), 187, 689
uw/uwAxes (axes format), 187, 689
v sequence function, 179
value operation on a graph, 147
complex, 26
displaying and storing values, 30