TI-83 Plus Function Graphing 125
Setting the Graph Format
Displaying the Format Settings
To display the format settings, press y .. The default settings
are highlighted below.
RectGC PolarGC Sets cursor coordinates.
CoordOn CoordOff Sets coordinates display on or off.
GridOff GridOn Sets grid off or on.
AxesOn AxesOff Sets axes on or off.
LabelOff LabelOn Sets axes label off or on.
ExprOn ExprOff Sets expression display on or off.
Format settings define a graph’s appearance on the display. Format
settings apply to all graphing modes. Seq graphing mode has an
additional mode setting (Chapter 6).
Changing a Format Setting
To change a format setting, follow these steps.
1. Press , ~, }, and | as necessary to move the cursor to the
setting you want to select.
2. Press Í to select the highlighted setting.