TI-83 Plus Statistics 333
Removing All Lists and Restoring L1 through L6
You can remove all user-created lists from the stat list editor and restore
list names L1 through L6 to columns 1 through 6 in either of two ways.
Use SetUpEditor with no arguments.
Reset all memory (Chapter 18).
Clearing All Elements from a List
You can clear all elements from a list in any of five ways.
Use ClrList to clear specified lists.
In the stat list editor, press } to move the cursor onto a list name,
and then press Í.
In the stat list editor, move the cursor onto each element, and then
press { one by one.
On the home screen or in the program editor, enter 0!dim(listname) to
set the dimension of listname to 0 (Chapter 11).
Use ClrAllLists to clear all lists in memory (Chapter 18).