TI-83 Plus Statistics 366
Variables 1
Stats 2
Stats Other
maximum of x values maxX maxX XY
minimum of y values minY XY
maximum of y values maxY XY
1st quartile Q1 PTS
median Med PTS
3rd quartile Q3 PTS
regression/fit coefficients a, bEQ
polynomial, Logistic, and SinReg
coefficients a, b, c,
d, eEQ
correlation coefficient rEQ
coefficient of determination r2, R2EQ
regression equation RegEQ EQ
summary points (Med.Med only) x1, y1, x2,
y2, x3, y3 PTS
Q1 and Q3The first quartile (Q1) is the median of points between minX and Med(median). The third quartile (Q3) is the median of points between Medand maxX.