TI-83 Plus Activities 541
4. Press Í to store the values to the variables
A, B, and C.
The last value you stored is shown on the right
side of the display. The cursor moves to the
next line, ready for your next entry.
5. Press £ Ì ƒ [B] Ã y C ƒ [B] ¡
¹ 4 ƒ [A] ƒ [C] ¤ ¤ ¥ £ 2 ƒ [A]
¤ to enter the expression for one of the
solutions for the quadratic formula,
6. Press Í to find one solution for the
equation 3X2 + 5X + 2 = 0.
The answer is shown on the right side of the
display. The cursor moves to the next line,
ready for you to enter the next expression.