TI-83 Plus Function Graphing 134
Exploring Graphs with TRACE
Beginning a Trace
Use TRACE to move the cursor from one plotted point to the next along a
function. To begin a trace, press r. If the graph is not displayed
already, press r to display it. The trace cursor is on the first
selected function in the Y= editor, at the middle X value on the screen.
The cursor coordinates are displayed at the bottom of the screen if
CoordOn format is selected. The Y= expression is displayed in the top-left
corner of the screen, if ExprOn format is selected.
Moving the Trace Cursor
To move the TRACE cursor do this:
To the previous or next plotted point, press | or ~.
Five plotted points on a function (Xres
affects this), press y | or y ~.
To any valid X value on a function, enter a value, and then press Í.
From one function to another, press } or .