TI-83 Plus Index 774
identity(, 277, 666
If instructions
If, 512, 666
If-Then, 513, 666
If-Then-Else, 514, 667
imag( (imaginary part), 89, 667
imaginary part (imag(), 89, 667
implied multiplication, 48
increment and skip (IS>(), 520, 668
independent variable, 206, 209, 667
IndpntAsk, 206, 209, 667
IndpntAuto, 206, 209, 667
inferential stat editors, 388
inferential statistics. See stat tests;
confidence intervals
alternative hypotheses, 391
bypassing editors, 393
calculating test results (Calculate),
confidence interval calculations, 392
data input or stats input, 390
entering argument values, 390
graphing test results (Draw), 392
input descriptions table, 419
pooled option, 391
STAT TESTS menu, 394
test and interval output variables,
Input, 526, 527, 667
insert cursor, 12
inString( (in string), 492, 667
instruction, definition of, 16
int( (greatest integer), 81, 273, 668
integer part (iPart(), 80, 273, 668
integral. See numerical integral
interest rate conversions
4Eff( (compute effective interest
rate), 459
4Nom( (compute nominal interest
rate), 459
calculating, 459
formula, 733
internal rate of return (irr(), 453, 668
intersect operation on a graph, 151
inverse (L1), 64, 271, 694
inverse cumulative normal distribution
(invNorm(), 426, 668
inverse trig functions, 63
invNorm( (inverse cumulative normal
distribution), 426, 668
iPart( (integer part), 80, 273, 668
irr( (internal rate of return), 453, 668
IS>( (increment and skip), 520, 668
layout, 2
math operations, 63