TI-83 PlusMatrices274
Using the MATRX MATH Operations


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1: det( Calculates the determinant.
2: TTransposes the matrix.
3: dim( Returns the matrix dimensions.
4: Fill( Fills all elements with a constant.
5: identity( Returns the identity matrix.
6: randM( Returns a random matrix.
7: augment( Appends two matrices.
8: Matr4list( Stores a matrix to a list.
9: List4matr( Stores a list to a matrix.
0: cumSum( Returns the cumulative sums of a matrix.
A: ref( Returns the row-echelon form of a matrix.
B: rref( Returns the reduced row-echelon form.
C: rowSwap( Swaps two rows of a matrix.
D: row+( Adds two rows; stores in the second row.
E: ärow( Multiplies the row by a number.
F: ärow+( Multiplies the row, adds to the second row.