TI-83 Plus Function Graphing 130
If you performed any of these actions since the graph was last displayed,
the TI-83 Plus will replot the graph based on new values when you press
• Changed a mode setting that affects graphs
• Changed a function in the current picture
• Selected or deselected a function or stat plot
• Changed the value of a variable in a selected function
• Changed a window variable or graph format setting
• Cleared drawings by selecting ClrDraw
• Changed a stat plot definition
Overlaying Functions on a Graph
On the TI-83 Plus, you can graph one or more new functions without
replotting existing functions. For example, store sin(X) to Y1 in the
Y= editor and press s. Then store cos(X) to Y2 and press s
again. The function Y2 is graphed on top of Y1, the original function.