TI-83 Plus Programming 511
PRGM CTL (Control) Instructions


To display the PRGM CTL (program control) menu, press from the

program editor only.

1:If Creates a conditional test.
2:Then Executes commands when If is true.
3:Else Executes commands when If is false.
4:For( Creates an incrementing loop.
5:While Creates a conditional loop.
6:Repeat Creates a conditional loop.
7:End Signifies the end of a block.
8:Pause Pauses program execution.
9:Lbl Defines a label.
0:Goto Goes to a label.
A:IS>( Increments and skips if greater than.
B:DS<( Decrements and skips if less than.
C:Menu( Defines menu items and branches.
D:prgm Executes a program as a subroutine.
E:Return Returns from a subroutine.
F:Stop Stops execution.
G:DelVar Deletes a variable from within program.
H:GraphStyle( Designates the graph style to be drawn.