TI-83 Plus Statistics 332
Creating a Name in the Stat List Editor
To create a name in the stat list editor, follow these steps.
1. Display the Name= prompt.
2. Press [
letter from A to Z or q
] to enter the first letter of the name. The
first character cannot be a number.
3. Enter zero to four letters, q, or numbers to complete the new user-
created list name. List names can be one to five characters long.
4. Press Í or to store the list name in the current column of the
stat list editor. The list name becomes an item on the LIST NAMES
menu (Chapter 11).
Removing a List from the Stat List Editor
To remove a list from the stat list editor, move the cursor onto the list
name and then press {. The list is not deleted from memory; it is only
removed from the stat list editor.
Note1: To delete a list name from memory, use the MEMORY MANAGEMENT/
DELETE secondary menu (Chapter 18).
Note 2: If you archive a list, it will be removed from the stat list editor.