TI-83 Plus Polar Graphing 174
screen, the coordinate values at the bottom of the screen continue to
change appropriately.
Quick Zoom is available in Pol graphing mode; panning is not (Chapter 3).
Moving the Trace Cursor to Any Valid q Value
To move the trace cursor to any valid q value on the current function,
enter the number. When you enter the first digit, a q= prompt and the
number you entered are displayed in the bottom-left corner of the
screen. You can enter an expression at the q= prompt. The value must
be valid for the current viewing window. When you complete the entry,
press Í to move the cursor.
ZOOM operations in Pol graphing work the same as in Func graphing.
Only the X (Xmin, Xmax, and Xscl) and Y (Ymin, Ymax, and Yscl) window
variables are affected.
The q window variables (qmin, qmax, and qstep) are not affected, except
when you select ZStandard. The VARS ZOOM secondary menu ZT/Zq items
4:Zqmin, 5:Zqmax, and 6:Zqstep are zoom memory variables for Pol