TI-83 Plus Sequence Graphing 189
Exploring Sequence Graphs
Free-Moving Cursor
The free-moving cursor in Seq graphing works the same as in Func
graphing. In RectGC format, moving the cursor updates the values of X
and Y; if CoordOn format is selected, X and Y are displayed. In PolarGC
format, X, Y, R, and q are updated; if CoordOn format is selected, R and q
are displayed.
The axes format setting affects TRACE.
When Time, uv, vw, or uw axes format is selected, TRACE moves the
cursor along the sequence one PlotStep increment at a time. To move
five plotted points at once, press y ~ or y |.
When you begin a trace, the trace cursor is on the first selected
sequence at the term number specified by PlotStart, even if it is
outside the viewing window.
Quick Zoom applies to all directions. To center the viewing window
on the current cursor location after you have moved the trace cursor,
press Í. The trace cursor returns to