TI-83 Plus Polar Graphing 170
To change the selection status, move the cursor onto the = sign, andthen press Í.Setting Window VariablesTo display the window variable values, press p. These variablesdefine the viewing window. The values below are defaults for Pol
graphing in Radian angle mode.qmin=0 Smallest q value to evaluate
qmax=6.2831853... Largest q value to evaluate (2p)
qstep=.1308996... Increment between q values (pà24)
Xmin=L10 Smallest X value to be displayed
Xmax=10 Largest X value to be displayed
Xscl=1 Spacing between the X tick marks
Ymin=L10 Smallest Y value to be displayed
Ymax=10 Largest Y value to be displayed
Yscl=1 Spacing between the Y tick marks
Note: To ensure that sufficient points are plotted, you may want to change the q
window variables.