TI-83 Plus Communication Link 645
1:Rename Prompts to rename receiving variable.
2:Overwrite Overwrites data in receiving variable.
3:Omit Skips transmission of sending variable.
4:Quit Stops transmission at duplicate variable.
When you select 1:Rename, the Name= prompt is displayed, and alpha-
lock is on. Enter a new variable name, and then press Í.
Transmission resumes.
When you select 2:Overwrite, the sending unit’s data overwrites the
existing data stored on the receiving unit. Transmission resumes.
When you select 3:Omit, the sending unit does not send the data in the
duplicated variable name. Transmission resumes with the next item.
When you select 4:Quit, transmission stops, and the receiving unit exits
receive mode.
Receiving from a TI-83 Plus Silver Edition or TI-83 Plus
The TI-83 Plus Silver Edition and the TI-83 Plus are totally compatible.
Keep in mind, however, that the TI-83 Plus has less Flash memory than
a TI-83 Plus Silver Edition.