TI-83 Plus Function Graphing 115
Turning On or Turning Off a Stat Plot in the Y= Editor
To view and change the on/off status of a stat plot in the Y= editor, use
Plot1 Plot2 Plot3 (the top line of the Y= editor). When a plot is on, its name
is highlighted on this line.
To change the on/off status of a stat plot from the Y= editor, press } and
~ to place the cursor on Plot1, Plot2, or Plot3, and then press Í.
Selecting and Deselecting Functions from the Home Screen or a
To select or deselect a function from the home screen or a program,
begin on a blank line and follow these steps.
1. Press ~ to display the VARS Y.VARS menu.
2. Select 4:On/Off to display the ON/OFF secondary menu.
Plot1 is turned on.
Plot2 and Plot3 are turned off.