TI-83 Plus Math, Angle, and Test Operations 103
TEST LOGIC (Boolean) Operations
To display the TEST LOGIC menu, press y ãTESTä ~.
This operator... Returns a 1 (true) if...
1: and Both values are nonzero (true).
2: or At least one value is nonzero (true).
3: xor Only one value is zero (false).
4: not( The value is zero (false).
Boolean Operators
Boolean operators are often used in programs to control program flow
and in graphing to control the graph of the function over specific values.
Values are interpreted as zero (false) or nonzero (true).
and, or, xor
and, or, and xor (exclusive or) return a value of 1 if an expression is true
or 0 if an expression is false, according to the table below. valueA and
valueB can be real numbers, expressions, or lists.