TI-83 Plus General Information 756
Function Limits
Function Range of Input Values
sin x, cos x, tan x0 |x| < 1012 (radian or degree)
sinL1 x, cosL1 xL1 x 1
ln x, log x10L100 < x < 10100
exL10100 < x 230.25850929940
10xL10100 < x < 100
sinh x, cosh x|x| 230.25850929940
tanh x|x| < 10100
sinhL1 x|x| < 5 × 1099
coshL1 x1 x < 5 × 1099
tanhL1 xL1 < x < 1
x (real mode) 0 x < 10100
x (complex mode) |x| < 10100
!L.5 x 69, where x is a multiple of .5