TI-83 Plus Statistics 360
CubicReg [Xlistname,Ylistname,freqlist,regequ]
QuartReg—(ax4+bx3+cx2+ dx+e)
QuartReg (quartic regression) fits the fourth-degree polynomial
y=ax4+bx3+cx2+dx+e to the data. It displays values for a, b, c, d, and e;
when DiagnosticOn is set, it also displays a value for R2. For five points,
the equation is a polynomial fit; for six or more, it is a polynomial
regression. At least five points are required.
QuartReg [Xlistname,Ylistname,freqlist,regequ]
LinReg(a+bx) (linear regression) fits the model equation y=a+bx to the data
using a least-squares fit. It displays values for a (y-intercept) and b (slope);
when DiagnosticOn is set, it also displays values for r2 and r.
LinReg(a+bx) [Xlistname,Ylistname,freqlist,regequ]
LnReg—(a+b ln(x))
LnReg (logarithmic regression) fits the model equation y=a+b ln(x) to the
data using a least-squares fit and transformed values ln(x) and y. It
displays values for a and b; when DiagnosticOn is set, it also displays
values for r2 and r.