TI-83 Plus Statistics 319
11. Press y d ¢ y e ¢. Press ~ 1 to
display the VARS Y.VARS FUNCTION secondary
menu, and then press 1 to select 1:Y1. L1, L2,
and Y1 are pasted to the home screen as
arguments to LinReg(ax+b).
12. Press Í to execute LinReg(ax+b). The linear
regression for the data in L1 and L2 is calculated.
Values for a and b are displayed on the home
screen. The linear regression equation is stored
in Y1. Residuals are calculated and stored
automatically in the list name RESID, which
becomes an item on the LIST NAMES menu.
13. Press s. The regression line and the
scatter plot are displayed.
The regression line appears to fit the central portion of the scatter plot
well. However, a residual plot may provide more information about this