TI-83 Plus Function Graphing 138
Exploring Graphs with the ZOOMInstructions


To display the ZOOM menu, press q. You can adjust the viewing

window of the graph quickly in several ways. All ZOOM instructions are

accessible from programs.

1:ZBox Draws a box to define the viewing window.
2:Zoom In Magnifies the graph around the cursor.
3:Zoom Out Views more of a graph around the cursor.
4:ZDecimal Sets @X and @Y to 0.1.
5:ZSquare Sets equal-size pixels on the X and Y axes.
6:ZStandard Sets the standard window variables.
7:ZTrig Sets the built-in trig window variables.
8:ZInteger Sets integer values on the X and Y axes.
9:ZoomStat Sets the values for current stat lists.
0:ZoomFit Fits YMin and YMax between XMin and XMax.