TI-83 Plus Programming 537
Running an Assembly Language Program
You can run programs written for the TI-83 Plus in assembly language.
Typically, assembly language programs run much faster and provide
greater control than than the keystroke programs that you write with the
built-in program editor.
Note: Because an assembly langauge program has greater control over the
calculator, if your assembly language program has error(s), it may cause your
calculator to reset and lose all data, programs, and applications stored in
When you download an assembly language program, it is stored among
the other programs as a PRGM menu item. You can:
Transmit it using the TI-83 Plus communication link (Chapter 19).
Delete it using the MEM MGMT DEL screen (Chapter 18).
To run an assembly Program, the syntax is: Asm(assemblyprgmname)
If you write an assembly language program, use the two instructions below
from the CATALOG to identify and compile the program.