TI-83 Plus Inferential Statistics and Distributions 430
Üpdf(x,numerator df,denominator df)
Note: For this example,
Xmin = 0
Xmax = 5
Ymin = 0
Ymax = 1
Ücdf( computes the Û distribution probability between lowerbound and
upperbound for the specified numerator df (degrees of freedom) and
denominator df. numerator df and denominator df must be integers >0.
Ücdf(lowerbound,upperbound,numerator df,denominator df)
binompdf( computes a probability at x for the discrete binomial
distribution with the specified numtrials and probability of success (p) on
each trial. x can be an integer or a list of integers. 0p1 must be true.
numtrials must be an integer > 0. If you do not specify x, a list of