TI-83 Plus Lists 308
List4matr( (lists stored to matrix) fills matrixname column by column with
the elements from each list. If the dimensions of all lists are not equal,
then List4matr( fills each extra matrixname row with 0. Complex lists are
not valid.
List4matr(list1,list2, . . . ,list n,matrixname)
Matr4list( (matrix stored to lists) fills each listname with elements from
each column in matrix. If the number of listname arguments exceeds the
number of columns in matrix, then Matr4list( ignores extra listname
arguments. Likewise, if the number of columns in matrix exceeds the
number of listname arguments, then Matr4list( ignores extra matrix
Matr4list(matrix,listname1,listname2, . . . ,listname n)