TI-83 Plus General Information 747
Error Type Possible Causes and Suggested Remedies
INVALID You attempted to reference a variable or use a function
where it is not valid. For example, Yn cannot reference
Y, Xmin, @X, or TblStart.
You attempted to reference a variable or function that
was transferred from the TI.82 and is not valid for the
TI-83 Plus. For example, you may have transferred
N1 to the TI-83 Plus from the TI.82 and then tried to
reference it.
In Seq mode, you attempted to graph a phase plot
without defining both equations of the phase plot.
In Seq mode, you attempted to graph a recursive
sequence without having input the correct number of
initial conditions.
In Seq mode, you attempted to reference terms other
than (
N1) or (
You attempted to designate a graph style that is invalid
within the current graph mode.
You attempted to use Select( without having selected
(turned on) at least one xyLine or scatter plot.