TI-83 Plus Function Graphing 126
RectGC, PolarGC
RectGC (rectangular graphing coordinates) displays the cursor location
as rectangular coordinates X and Y.
PolarGC (polar graphing coordinates) displays the cursor location as
polar coordinates R and q.
The RectGC/PolarGC setting determines which variables are updated
when you plot the graph, move the free-moving cursor, or trace.
RectGC updates X and Y; if CoordOn format is selected, X and Y are
PolarGC updates X, Y, R, and q; if CoordOn format is selected, R and q
are displayed.
CoordOn, CoordOff
CoordOn (coordinates on) displays the cursor coordinates at the bottom
of the graph. If ExprOff format is selected, the function number is
displayed in the top-right corner.
CoordOff (coordinates off) does not display the function number or