TI-83 Plus Index 775
key-code diagram, 532
LabelOff, 127, 668
LabelOn, 127, 668
graph, 127, 668
program, 519, 669
Last Entry, 33
Lbl (label), 519, 669
lcm( (least common multiple), 82, 669
least common multiple (lcm(), 82, 669
length( of string, 492, 669
less than (<), 101, 694
less than or equal to (๎‚), 101, 694
Light-Time, 468
line graph style (รง), 117
line segments, drawing, 218
Line( (draw line), 220, 669
lines, drawing, 220, 221
LINK RECEIVE menu, 644
LINK SEND menu, 634
receiving items, 644
to a CBL 2/CBL or CBR, 633
to a PC or Macintosh, 633
to a TI.82, 641, 646
transmitting items, 629
two TI.83 Plus units, 638
LinReg(a+bx) (linear regression), 360,
LinReg(ax+b) (linear regression), 359,
LinRegTTest (linear regression t test),
415, 669
LIST MATH menu, 311
LIST NAMES menu, 291
LIST OPS menu, 299
List4matr( (lists-to-matrix conversion),
279, 308, 670
accessing an element, 289
attaching formulas, 293, 294, 336
clearing all elements, 333
copying, 289
creating, 286, 332
deleting from memory, 289, 599
detaching formulas, 296, 340
dimension, 288
entering list names, 292, 330
indicator ({ }), 288
naming lists, 286
storing and displaying, 288
transmitting to and from TI.73, 642
transmitting to and from TI.82, 641,
using in expressions, 297
using to graph a family of curves,
131, 290