TI-83 Plus Parametric Graphing 165
ZOOM operations in Par graphing work the same as in Func graphing.
Only the X (Xmin, Xmax, and Xscl) and Y (Ymin, Ymax, and Yscl) window
variables are affected.
The T window variables (Tmin, Tmax, and Tstep) are only affected when
you select ZStandard. The VARS ZOOM secondary menu ZT/Zq items
1:ZTmin, 2:ZTmax, and 3:ZTstep are the zoom memory variables for Par
CALC operations in Par graphing work the same as in Func graphing. The
CALCULATE menu items available in Par graphing are 1:value, 2:dy/dx,
3:dy/dt, and 4:dx/dt.