TI-83 Plus Math, Angle, and Test Operations 64
sin(value) cos(value) tan(value)
You can use the inverse trig functions (arcsine, y ?; arccosine, y
@; and arctangent, y A) with real numbers, expressions, and
lists. The current angle mode setting affects interpretation.
sinL1(value) cosL1(value) tanL1(value)
Note: The trig functions do not operate on complex numbers.
^ (Power), 2 (Square), ( (Square Root)
You can use ^ (power, ), 2 (square, ¡), and ( (square root, y C)
with real and complex numbers, expressions, lists, and matrices. You
cannot use ( with matrices.
value^power value2(value)
L1 (Inverse)
You can use L1 (inverse, œ) with real and complex numbers,
expressions, lists, and matrices. The multiplicative inverse is equivalent
to the reciprocal, 1àx.