TI-83 Plus Math, Angle, and Test Operations 65
log(, 10^(, ln(
You can use log( (logarithm, «), 10^( (power of 10, y G), and ln(
(natural log, µ) with real or complex numbers, expressions, and lists.
log(value) 10^(power) ln(value)
e^( (Exponential)
e^( (exponential, y J) returns the constant e raised to a power. You
can use e^( with real or complex numbers, expressions, and lists.
e (Constant)
e (constant, y [e]) is stored as a constant on the TI-83 Plus. Press
y [e] to copy e to the cursor location. In calculations, the TI-83 Plus
uses 2.718281828459 for e.