TI-83 Plus Communication Link 639
To send data to an additional TI-83 Plus Silver Edition or a TI-83 Plus:
1. Use a unit-to-unit cable to link two units together.
2. On the sending unit press y 8 and select a data type and items
to SEND.
3. Press ~ on the sending unit to display the TRANSMIT menu.
4. On the other unit, press y 8 ~ to display the RECEIVE menu.
5. Press Í on the receiving unit.
6. Press Í on the sending unit. A copy of the selected item(s) is
sent to the receiving unit.
7. Disconnect the link cable only from the receiving unit and connect it
to another unit.
8. Press y 8 on the sending unit.
9. Select only the data type. For example, if the unit just sent a list,
select 4:LIST.
Note: The item(s) you want to send are pre-selected from the last
transmission. Do not select or deselect any items. If you select or deselect