TI-83 Plus Programming 522
The menu title is enclosed in quotation marks ( " ). Up to seven pairs of
menu items follow. Each pair comprises a text item (also enclosed in
quotation marks) to be displayed as a menu selection, and a label item to
which to branch if you select the corresponding menu selection.
Menu("title","text1",label1,"text2",label2, . . .)
Program Output
The program above pauses until you select 1 or 2. If you select 2, for
example, the menu disappears and the program continues execution at
Lbl B.
Use prgm to execute other programs as subroutines. When you select
prgm, it is pasted to the cursor location. Enter characters to spell a
program name. Using prgm is equivalent to selecting existing programs
from the PRGM EXEC menu; however, it allows you to enter the name of a
program that you have not yet created.