TI-83 Plus Communication Link 638
Sending to a TI-83 Plus Silver Edition or TI-83 Plus
You can transfer variables (all types), programs, and Flash applications
to another TI-83 Plus Silver Edition or TI-83 Plus. You can also backup
the RAM memory of one unit to another.
Note: Keep in mind that the TI.83 Plus has less Flash memory than the
TI-83 Plus Silver Edition.
Variables stored in RAM on the sending TI-83 Plus Silver Edition will
be sent to the RAM of the receiving TI-83 Plus Silver Edition or
TI-83 Plus.
Variables and applications stored in the user data archive of the
sending TI-83 Plus Silver Edition will be sent to the user data archive
of the receiving TI-83 Plus Silver Edition or TI-83 Plus.
After sending or receiving data, you can repeat the same transmission to
additional TI-83 Plus Silver Edition or TI-83 Plus units—from either the
sending unit or the receiving unit—without having to reselect data to
send. The current items remain selected. However, you cannot repeat
transmission if you selected All+ or All..