TI-83 Plus Polar Graphing 169
In this editor, you can enter and display up to six polar equations, r1
through r6. Each is defined in terms of the independent variable q.
Selecting Graph Styles
The icons to the left of r1 through r6 represent the graph style of each
polar equation (Chapter 3). The default in Pol graphing mode is ç (line),
which connects plotted points. Line, è (thick), ë (path), ì (animate), and í
(dot) styles are available for polar graphing.
Defining and Editing Polar Equations
To define or edit a polar equation, follow the steps in Chapter 3 for
defining a function or editing a function. The independent variable in a
polar equation is q. In Pol graphing mode, you can enter the polar
variable q in either of two ways.
Press .
Press ƒ ãqä.
Selecting and Deselecting Polar Equations
The TI-83 Plus graphs only the selected polar equations. In the Y= editor,
a polar equation is selected when the = sign is highlighted. You may
select any or all of the equations.