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5.37 MAC Hash Address Register 1 (MACHASH1)
The MAC hash registers allow group addressed frames to be accepted on the basis of a hash function of the address. The hash function creates a
Hash_fun(0)=DA(0) XOR DA(6) XOR DA(12) XOR DA(18) XOR DA(24) XOR DA(30) XOR DA(36) XOR DA(42); Hash_fun(1)=DA(1) XOR DA(7) XOR DA(13) XOR DA(19) XOR DA(25) XOR DA(31) XOR DA(37) XOR DA(43); Hash_fun(2)=DA(2) XOR DA(8) XOR DA(14) XOR DA(20) XOR DA(26) XOR DA(32) XOR DA(38) XOR DA(44); Hash_fun(3)=DA(3) XOR DA(9) XOR DA(15) XOR DA(21) XOR DA(27) XOR DA(33) XOR DA(39) XOR DA(45); Hash_fun(4)=DA(4) XOR DA(10) XOR DA(16) XOR DA(22) XOR DA(28) XOR DA(34) XOR DA(40) XOR DA(46); Hash_fun(5)=DA(5) XOR DA(11) XOR DA(17) XOR DA(23) XOR DA(29) XOR DA(35) XOR DA(41) XOR DA(47);
This function is used as an offset into a
The MAC hash address register 1 (MACHASH1) is shown in Figure 79 and described in Table 73.
| Figure 79. MAC Hash Address Register 1 (MACHASH1) |
31 | 16 |
| |
15 | 0 |
LEGEND: R/W = Read/Write;
| Table 73. MAC Hash Address Register 1 (MACHASH1) Field Descriptions | ||
| |
Bit | Field |
| Value | Description |
| |
| set, then a group address that hashes to that bit index is accepted. |
SPRUEF8F | C6472/TCI6486 EMAC/MDIO | 135 |
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