Niagara 4100 User Guide
Appendix B: H.264 Advanced Settings
In general, the default values for the H.264 encoder will meet your streaming requirements. For devices with restricted bandwidths and under certain conditions such as low bit rates, motion specific, or constant bit rate applications, you may need to adjust the advanced settings. This section includes several examples to assist you in the selection of advanced variables. These examples are suggestions and you should understand and select the appropriate values for your streaming application. See Settings for the setting variable.
Setting | Value |
BFramesBias | 0 |
BFramesMax | 0 |
BFramesStrategy | 0 |
BitRateTolerance | 1 |
BlurComplexity | 20 |
ChromaOffset | 0 |
CodecFlags | 4196352 |
CodecFlags2 | 131328 |
CoderType | 0 |
DirectMVPrediction | 1 |
GOPSize | 250 |
GOPSizeMin | 25 |
IFrameQuantFactor | 0.71 |
InLoopDeblockingFilterAlpha | 0 |
InLoopDeblockingFilterBeta | 0 |
Level | 12 |
MotionEstimationMethod | 7 |
MotionEstimationRange | 16 |
MotionEstimationSubPelQuality | 7 |
MotionEstimationSubPixelComparison | 0 |
NoiseReduction | 0 |
QuantizerMax | 51 |
QuantizerMaxDiffBetweenFrames | 4 |
QuantizerMin | 10 |
QuantizerScaleBlurOverTime | 0.5 |
QuantizerScaleCompress | 0.6 |
ReferenceFrames | 2 |
SceneChangeDetectThreshold | 45 |
TrellisRDQuantization | 0 |
ViewCast | 115 |