Chapter 14 IPSec VPN


Table 88 SECURITY > VPN > VPN Rules (IKE) > Edit Network Policy (continued)





Ending IP Address/

When the Address Type field is configured to Single Address, this field is N/A.


Subnet Mask

When the Address Type field is configured to Range Address, enter the end



(static) IP address, in a range of computers on the LAN behind your ZyWALL.



When the Address Type field is configured to Subnet Address, this is a



subnet mask on the LAN behind your ZyWALL.





Local Port

0 is the default and signifies any port. Type a port number from 0 to 65535 in the



Start and End fields. Some of the most common IP ports are: 21, FTP; 53,



DNS; 23, Telnet; 80, HTTP; 25, SMTP; 110, POP3.





Remote Network

Specify the IP addresses of the devices behind the remote IPSec router that



can use the VPN tunnel. The remote IP addresses must correspond to the



remote IPSec router's configured local IP addresses.



Two active SAs cannot have the local and remote IP address(es) both the



same. Two active SAs can have the same local or remote IP address, but not



both. You can configure multiple SAs between the same local and remote IP



addresses, as long as only one is active at any time.





Address Type

Use the drop-down list box to choose Single Address, Range Address, or



Subnet Address. Select Single Address with a single IP address. Select



Range Address for a specific range of IP addresses. Select Subnet Address



to specify IP addresses on a network by their subnet mask.





Starting IP Address

When the Address Type field is configured to Single Address, enter a (static)



IP address on the network behind the remote IPSec router. When the Addr



Type field is configured to Range Address, enter the beginning (static) IP



address, in a range of computers on the network behind the remote IPSec



router. When the Address Type field is configured to Subnet Address, enter a



(static) IP address on the network behind the remote IPSec router.





Ending IP Address/

When the Address Type field is configured to Single Address, this field is N/A.


Subnet Mask

When the Address Type field is configured to Range Address, enter the end



(static) IP address, in a range of computers on the network behind the remote



IPSec router. When the Address Type field is configured to Subnet Address,



enter a subnet mask on the network behind the remote IPSec router.





Remote Port

0 is the default and signifies any port. Type a port number from 0 to 65535 in the



Start and End fields. Some of the most common IP ports are: 21, FTP; 53,



DNS; 23, Telnet; 80, HTTP; 25, SMTP; 110, POP3.





IPSec Proposal






Encapsulation Mode

Select Tunnel mode or Transport mode.





Active Protocol

Select the security protocols used for an SA.



Both AH and ESP increase processing requirements and communications



latency (delay).





Encryption Algorithm

Select which key size and encryption algorithm to use in the IKE SA. Choices






NULL - no encryption key or algorithm



DES - a 56-bit key with the DES encryption algorithm



3DES - a 168-bit key with the DES encryption algorithm



AES - a 128-bit key with the AES encryption algorithm



The ZyWALL and the remote IPSec router must use the same algorithms and



keys. Longer keys require more processing power, resulting in increased



latency and decreased throughput.






Select which hash algorithm to use to authenticate packet data in the IPSec SA.



Choices are SHA1 and MD5. SHA1 is generally considered stronger than MD5,



but it is also slower.






ZyWALL 2WG User’s Guide