Remote Management
Remote Management is used to set and view parameter values for a remote Bridge Module, Midnight Bridge, or network management module. Once you are connected to a local bridge, you initiate remote management by issuing the REMOTE_LOGIN command, naming the remote device or IP address to which you want to connect, and specifying port 1 or port 2.
Note that issuing the REMOTE LOGIN command will affect bridging performance for the duration of the remote connection.
Once you are connected to a remote bridge, the management prompt you created for that bridge is displayed on your monitor. Therefore, each Bridge Module management prompt should be unique and reference the bridge name to remind you that you are connected to a remote bridge. Any parameter changes you make and any display type commands you issue when connected to the remote bridge are performedon the remote Bridge Module.
Disconnect from the remote Bridge Module by issuing the LOGOUT command.
Bridge Module Operation and Performance (Configuration)
Several bridge parameters affect the performance and operation of the Bridge Module. These parameters can be set during initial setup and can also be changed later during normal operation of the bridge using the management commands. The parameters in this category include:
Management Functions 3 - 19