EPROMs. Thefirst time you update the firmware requires that you purchase both an FDK and a UDK. All updates after that time require that you have the new version of the UDK (and the original FDK).
When 3Com issues a software upgrade, the upgrade is sent on diskette (UDK) to all registered users. The upgrade takes only ten or fifteen minutes, after which time the Bridge Module will be up and running the new version of software.
Download Instructions
The instructions for downloading new software to the Bridge Module are divided into the following steps:
❑Install the ProComm Software
❑Connect the
❑Download the new Bridge Module Software
Install the ProComm Software
This step installs and configures ProComm software on your PC hard disk or onto the FDK diskette. The files are installed in the subdirectory PROCOMM on either the hard drive or on the FDK diskette. Follow the instructions below:
1.Remove the
2.Make a backup copy of both the ProComm diskette and the 3Com provided diskette (the FDK diskette).
3.Place the 3Com diskette in the floppy drive and change to that drive by typing a: or b:.