Set Terminal Data_Bits Command, 4-78Set Terminal Hangup Command, 4-79Set Terminal Parity Command, 4-80Set Terminal Prompt Command, 4-81Set Terminal Stop_Bits Command, 4-82Set Terminal Timeout Command, 4-83Setting SNMP Values
Alert Settings, 3-18Community Table, 3-17Default Gateway, 3-18IP address, 3-17Subnet Mask, 3-18
Show Alert Command, 4-86
Show Bridge Command, 4-87Show Command, 4-85
Show Community Command, 4-89Show Counter Bridge Command, 4-91Show Counter Command, 4-90Show Counter Ports Command, 4-93Show Counter Protocols Command, 4-97Show Counter Spantree Command, 4-99Show Device Command, 4-101
Show Filter Command, 4-103Show Filter Dynamic_Address_Table
Command, 3-21,4-104
Show Filter Mode Command, 4-103,4-104,
4-105, 4-106, 4-107
Show Filter Protocol_ID_Table Command,
Show Filter Static_Address_Table Command,
Show Last_Error Command, 4-108
Show Spantree Command, 3-5,4-109
Show Terminal Command, 4-112
Setting Values, 3-17
SNMP Commands, E-4
Spanning Tree
Overview, B-2
Terminology, B-1
Spanning Tree Algorithm and Protocol, 1-4
Electrical, A-2
Environmental, A-3
General, A-1
Hardware, A-3
Mechanical, A-3
Static Address Filter Table, 3-20
TCP/IP, 2-18
Technical Assistance, 5-6Technical Support, 5-6technical support, E-1Telenet Protocol, 2-18Terminal Connections
Configuring, 3-9Terminal Options
Optional, 3-11Tranceiver Cables
Wire Sizes, C-4Transceiver Cable
Cable Length, C-6
Connecting, 2-14Transceiver Cables, C-1
Configuration Rules, C-5Shielding and Grounding, C-3Troubleshooting, C-6
Firmware Download, 6-15Management Interface, 5-4Power-Up Self-Test,5-3Technical Assistance, 5-6Transceiver Cables, C-6
Host Computers, 2-18
VDE compliance, ii