Controller Installation
NOTE : In dual mode, LUNs are “owned” by the controller unit where they are created. Hosts only see the LUNs on the unit to which that they are connected, unless cache coherency is enabled.
1.To display the current cache settings, type: cache<Enter>
2.Select a cache segment size for your array. For example, to set the segment size to 128KBytes, type:
cache size=128<Enter>
This setting can also be adjusted
3.Type: lun<Enter>.
The Logical Unit Status chart should be empty, as no LUN is present on the array.
4.To create a new LUN, type: lun add=x<Enter>
where X is the LUN number. Valid LUN numbers are 0..1023.
If only lun add is entered, you are prompted to enter a LUN number.
5.You will be prompted to enter the parameter values for the LUN. In this example:
-Enter a label for the LUN (you can include up to 12 characters). The label may be changed later using the LUN LABEL command.
-Enter the capacity (in Mbytes) for a single LUN in the LUN group: 8192<Enter>
-Enter the number of tiers to use: 8<Enter>
-Select the tier(s) by entering the Tier number. Enter each one on a new line. Tiers are numbered from 1 through 125.
1<Enter> 2 <Enter> 3 <Enter> 4 <Enter> 5 <Enter> 6 <Enter> 7 <Enter>
8 <Enter>
-Enter the block size in Bytes: 512<Enter>
NOTE : 512 is the recommended block size. A larger block size may give better performance. However, verify that your OS and file system can support a larger block size before changing the block size from its default value.
This message will display: Operation successful: LUN 0 added to the system
6.When you are asked to format the LUN, type: y<Enter>
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