Controller Management
NOTE : The default administrator account name is “admin” and its password is “password.” Similarly, the default user account name is “user” and its password is “password.”
15000 [1]: login
Enter a login name: admin
Enter the password: ********
Successful CLI session login.
New owner : admin.
New security level: Administrative.
Figure 3–2 Login Screen
To logout of the system, enter:
For a terminal session, you are returned to the general purpose user level.
For Telnet, the current session is disconnected.
Entering the PASSWORD command allows the administrator to change the login names and passwords for administrative and general purpose users (Figure
15000 [1]: password
Enter new name to replace <admin>:
Enter old password: ********
Enter new name to replace <user>:
Enter old password: ********
Figure 3–3 Password Configuration Screen
Login names and passwords can be changed using the PASSWORD command, via Am I
To display the owner and the security level of the current terminal or Telnet session (Figure
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