-ROUTE GATEWAY=<aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd> sets the current gateway in the network routing table to the specified Internet address.
-ROUTE DEL=<aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd> GATEWAY=<aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd> deletes gateways from the routing table.
-ROUTE ADD=<aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd> GATEWAY=<aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd> adds new gateways to the table.
-If you have couplet controller, connect to (or Telnet to if this is not the initial set up) and log into the other controller. Repeat the appropriate steps to set its network parameters.
15000 [1]: route |
| |
Gateway NONE |
Permanent S2A Routing Table |
| |
destination | gateway |
| || | |
| ||
Current 15000 Routing Table |
| |
| |
destination | gateway | flags | Refcnt Use | Interface | | | 3 | 0 | 0 | fei0 | | | 3 | 0 | 3 | fei0 | | | 101 | 0 | 0 | fei0 |
ROUTE HOST TABLE | gateway | flags | Refcnt Use | Interface |
destination | 5 0 0 lo0
Figure 4–3 Current Controller Routing Table
11.On boot up, verify the network connections, enter NETWORK PING=<IP address of a network system>.
a)Ping a host on the same subnet as the controller.
b)Ping another host on a different subnet.
12.Make sure your firewall is running (which will block traffic and keep hosts from talking to each other), ensure it is set up to allow the controller to pass information on Port 23 (for Telnet), Port 161 (for SNMP), and Port 162 (for SNMP traps).
4.1.3Login Names and Passwords
The controller’s two levels of security, administrative and general purpose user access, also applies to remote management. If you login as an administrator, you can access all the management and administrative functions. You can obtain status information and make changes to the system configuration. At the user access level, you are only allowed to view the status and configuration information of the system.
The login names and passwords can be changed using the PASSWORD command, via
Only one Telnet session is permitted at a time. Once a Telnet session is initiated, the
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