Drive Enclosure Installation
The drive enclosure contains eight (8)
6.6 SATA Interposer Features
The drive enclosure supports an active/active SATA MUX interposer which allows simultaneous access to the SATA HDD from both I/O modules installed in the enclosure. The MUX is implemented as a dongle module installed in the HDD carrier assembly. Additionally, the SATA interposer allows the power cycling of an individual HDD via SES commands.
6.7 Drive Enclosure Device Addressing
See Appendix B, “Drive Addressing”.
6.8 Grounding Checks
The product must only be connected to a power source that has a safety electrical earth connection.
Warning If more than one product is fitted in a rack, the earth connection to the rack is even more important, because the rack will then have a high “EARTH LEAKAGE CURRENT” (“TOUCH CURRENT”).
The earth connection to the rack must be checked before switching on, by an electrical engineer who is qualified to the appropriate local and National standards to perform the check.
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