Item | Description | Your information |
Administrator’s short name | A short name can contain as |
| many as 255 Roman characters, |
| typically eight or fewer. Use only |
| a through z, A through Z, 0 |
| through 9, or _ (underscore). |
Administrator’s password | If you record this value, be sure |
| to keep this worksheet in a safe |
| place. This value is case |
| sensitive. It is also the password |
| for the root user. |
Host name | The name you want DNS to use |
| for your server. |
| You specify the part of the DNS |
| name that appears before the |
| domain name |
| |
| or MyComputer.example.com). |
| The host name should begin |
| with a letter and contain only |
| letters, numbers, - (hyphen), or . |
| (dot). Windows clients use host |
| names no longer than 15 ASCII |
| characters; they can contain |
| |
| can’t contain only numbers. |
Computer name | The AppleTalk name. |
Rendezvous name | The name Mac OS X users see |
| when viewing the computers |
| listed under /Network/Local/. |
Network interface data | Your server has a |
| Ethernet port and may have |
| additional ports installed on an |
| Ethernet card. Record |
| information for each port you |
| want to activate. |
Use the table provided later in this worksheet to record data for each port.
Appendix A Mac OS X Server Worksheet