Item | Description | Your information |
Using “Open Directory Master” | Optionally indicate you want to |
| enable a Windows Primary |
| Domain Controller on the server. |
| Provide a computer name and a |
| domain name for the controller. |
| The computer name can contain |
| |
| and can’t contain only numbers. |
| Finish setting up the directory |
| you want to host by using |
| Server Admin after completing |
| server setup. |
Automating service startup | Indicate whether you want any |
| of the following services to start |
| automatically every time the |
| server starts; these services need |
| no additional configuration to |
| be useful: |
| Apple file service |
| FTP service |
| Windows file service |
| Mail service |
| Web service |
| WebDAV |
| Network time service |
| NetBoot service |
| QuickTime Streaming service |
Time zone | Choose the time zone you want |
| the server to use. |
Network time | Optionally indicate a Network |
| Time Server for the server |
| to use. |
Appendix A Mac OS X Server Worksheet