Setting Up an Administrator Computer
An administrator computer is a computer with Mac OS X or Mac OS X Server version 10.3 or later that you use to manage remote servers.
Once you’ve installed and set up a Mac OS X Server that has a display, keyboard, and optical drive, it is already an administrator computer. To make a computer with Mac OS X into an administrator computer, you need to install additional software.
In the picture below, the arrows originate from administrator computers and point to servers they might be used to manage.
Mac OS X
administrator computer
Mac OS X Servers
To make a computer with Mac OS X into an administrator computer:
1Make sure the Mac OS X computer has Mac OS X version 10.3 or later installed.
In addition, make sure the computer has at least 128 MB of RAM and 1 GB of unused disk space.
2Insert the Mac OS X Server Administration Tools disc.
3Start the installer (ServerAdmin.pkg) and follow the onscreen instructions.
Using a Non-Mac OS X Computer for Administration
You can use a
Chapter 3 Server Administration