Copy | F9 | Copies the selected object and makes it |
| available for pasting into a new location, |
| leaving the original in its current location |
| (the standard Microsoft Windows “Copy” |
| function). If no object is selected, the |
| system beeps. |
Paste | F10 | Pastes the object in memory into a new |
| location on the label (the standard |
| Microsoft Windows “Paste” function). If |
| nothing has been copied into memory |
| previously, the system beeps. |
Undo | F11 | Reverses the previous action. Undo affects |
| the most recent set of editing changes to an |
| object. If the previous action cannot be |
| undone, the system beeps. Undoing the last |
| several actions is possible in some cases, |
| depending on system memory. Redoing |
| actions is not supported. |
Menu | F12 | Closes the current application and displays |
| the system’s Main Menu screen, allowing |
| the user to select a different application |
| without restarting the system. |
Advance & | Alt+F2 | Advances the supply such that any printing |
Shear |
| currently under the print head clears the |
| cutter and shears it from the tape. “Shear” |
| should not be confused with the cut |
| operation performed by the plotter cutter |
| (cutting out shapes, label borders, etc.). |
Clear | Alt+F3 | Displays the Clear screen, providing |
| options for the user to clear the current |
| label or all labels in the current set. |
Starting Up |